Sunday, August 24, 2014

Shakeology for the win!

So you are telling me, I can have the same nutrition as if I went to the salad bar 5 times, but taste like I'm having a vanilla frapachino instead?? Sign me up! My first recipe was a total success. 

1 cup unsweeted vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup cool fresh brewed coffee
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (I'm going to cut this back some next time)
1 serving vanilla shakeology 
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth

So tasty!

Until next time -
Heather Ryan

Friday, August 22, 2014

Who's excited?!?!?

I just received my very first challenge pack with BeachBody. I'm beyond excited to get started and keep my progress updated here. Keep coming back for an honest and heartfelt review of how it is going. Busy mom. Busy wife. Busy full time job. No excuses! Let's get fit!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Progress is progress!

Good morning world!

Well it's official, I made it through the weekend without eating or drinking my weight in bad choices.  No pizza, no fried food, no copious amounts of tasty craft beer laden with calories.  What? Sounds like a terrible weekend?  No friends, let me tell you about my choices instead -

I dined on margarita grilled chicken and black beans, delectable turkey burgers grilled outside, and enjoyed refreshing raspberry sparkling water kicked up a notch with a little coconut infused tequila.  It was a great weekend that I am not coming into Monday regretting in the slightest!

What is your hardest habit to kick?


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Taking the plunge

Well, here I sit... Embarking upon yet another self realization.  I'm uncomfortable, frustrated, and just plain tired.  And I don't want to be!  I'M DONE!  You hear me internet, I am putting it all out there so you can hold me accountable.... And in turn, I will be your biggest cheerleader.  Let's quit being unhealthy and unhappy together!  From fitness, to food, to organization, to daily habits, let's make a change.  It's time.  No more "tomorrow".  No more "Monday". No more self doubt.  We can do this.  Now who is with me?!?!