Who is Heather Ryan?

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

So the speed dating version about me - I am a working mom to my little man LK and a wife to BK.  We have 2 kitties named Sam and Bob (both girls) and a turtle named Pancake. I overuse smilies and exclamation marks, but have a cynical sense of humor.

My struggle with body image has been long and hard.  I was a naturally skinny child and adolescent.  Never had to work to be thin.  Then the big "C" word hit me.  Cancer.  It can happen to anyone, and it happened to me, at 19 years old.  Fast forward 13 years, insert multiple surgeries, intense hormone therapy, and a blessing of a gorgeous little boy - I am no longer anywhere near able to "just be thin".  While I have had clean tests in regards to the cancer for 10 years now, my body took a beating.

Dieting and exercise have always been a roller coaster ride for me.  Nothing stuck.  Nothing solidified. So when I came across BeachBody and their information, I was of course skeptical.  How could this possibly be the thing to stick?  I watched in the wings like a creeper for months actually.  Seeing how people's lives were changing both physically and financially, and wondering could this be what I have always needed?  Then, as cliche as it might be, I came across a quote on Pinterest.  It simply said - "Make it happen. Shock every single one of them." And it clicked.  It's time.

So with that said, I am officially a new Team BeachBody coach, and with the support of this incredible company and people who represent it, I plan on a whole new me.  Body, mind, soul, becoming a better version of me.  Now, don't get me wrong, old me is pretty awesome, but there is always room for improvement.

Thanks for stopping by, comment, message me, let me know your struggles :)

~Heather Ryan